The Overthinker's Guide to Joy | The Power of Your Thoughts

Ep #48: The Power of Your Thoughts

August 3, 2022

Summer is starting to quieten down, and while I appreciate the time for decompression, it’s interesting that I have a tendency to overthink when things get quiet. I’m sure you can relate. When we’re crazy busy, everything seems more normal, and we think we operate at our best when we’re juggling a lot of balls.

This has been a lesson for me in leaning into and embracing the quieter moments, and to not go looking for things to fix. I know so many of us are in survival mode, and when things die down, we’re left overanalyzing, worrying that this is just the calm before the storm. However, the secret to fixing this pattern and taking back control of your life.

Tune in this week to discover why peace, tranquility, and calm might be making you uncomfortable. I’m sharing how your irrational or negative thoughts have gotten ahold of you, leading to unintended results, and I’m showing you the power of choosing thoughts that will serve you instead.


If you want to learn more tips for managing your stress and your overthinking brain, I highly recommend signing up for my weekly newsletter here!

What You Will Discover:

  • Why the comfort of things getting quiet brings up a lot of discomfort for us overthinkers.
  • How hypervigilance is a coping mechanism so many of us have grown up with, and made a habit in our adult lives.
  • The importance of celebrating the calm, instead of worrying that it’s just the calm before the storm.
  • How I’m still managing the discomfort of comfort in my own life.
  • Why it’s impossible to imagine everything that could go wrong.
  • The power of your changing thoughts and how to challenge your thoughts, so you can stop them from ruining the quiet moments.

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