

Are You OverScheduled?

“I am SOOO busy!!” This was my mantra for years. I used to be so busy managing my television career, my family, my home, and my friends, that I felt like I was just a hamster on a wheel.  If multitasking and scheduling were an Olympic sport, I would have received a gold medal. But it wasn’t……


Sometimes Less Is More

As someone who loves walking through forests, admiring beautifully landscaped gardens, and eating fresh vegetables, I do NOT have a green thumb. I have what is known as a black thumb or a “numb thumb.” I have never successfully grown an edible vegetable nor maintained an herb garden.  I live on a beautiful property with hundreds of mature trees and plants,…


New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

Here we are into Day 5 of the New Year, and due to the new Covid variant running amok, it’s starting to feel like Groundhog Day: The 2022 Edition. We are all tired of this pandemic, but the pandemic does not seem to be tired of us.  Silly me, I thought if we washed our…


Money Money Money

Everyone has a “Money Story.” Money stories are the emotional relationship you have with YOUR money.  Whether it is earning it, saving it, or spending it.   Money is not just a THING that we have or don’t have. Money is emotional.   Your relationship with money comes from your upbringing… Whether you were born with it or…


Are You A Holiday OverDoer?

Do the holidays trigger all of your OVERDOING tendencies? I know they do mine.  I love the holidays, but I find myself getting anxious to get it all done.  While I am busy decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking, cleaning, I am noticing that my self-care starts to wane a bit too.  Suddenly, I am not as…


Are You a People Pleaser?

Do you go to great lengths to avoid confrontation?Are you always going out of your way for OTHER people?Do you constantly worry about what OTHER people think?Do you always try and make OTHERS happy before taking care of YOURSELF? If the answer is YES to any of these questions, then chances are likely that you are…


Is Your Inner Critic Holding You Back?

Do you know that voice in your head that is always making you doubt yourself? It’s the one that says really negative things.  Judge-y things.  The voice that keeps you from taking risks. The voice that tells you why something WON’T work before you even begin.  It’s the one that uses GUILT and SHAME to keep you feeling…


‘Tis The Season For Self-Care

What officially defines the holiday season? Is it the moment we start buying HUGE bags of candy for the Trick or Treaters? Carving a turkey on Thanksgiving (or a Tofurkey if you are vegan)? Looking for great deals on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Lighting candles on Hanukkah or putting up the Christmas tree? Whatever it is,…


Happy Thanksgiving

I don’t know about you, but this time of year is always a little bittersweet for me. I love the holidays as a mental break from my daily routine, but I find myself always missing my family members who couldn’t get be with us… and those that are no longer with us.  I am grateful…


Are You Feeling Anxious?

Are you feeling anxious about something on the horizon? Perhaps you have an upcoming event, a job interview, or a project due.  Are you spending your energy focusing on what might go wrong? Do you find that your breathing gets shallow when you think about it?  Or perhaps your muscles get tight? It feels like once that…