
Are You Looking For Problems?
Are you always on the lookout for what might go wrong? Do you have trouble sleeping because of your endless “To Do” list? Or when things ARE going well, do you have trouble believing they will last? In other words, are you looking for problems where there aren’t any? This is known as hyper-vigilance. On…

Walking On Eggshells
Is there someone in your life who behaves unpredictably? It’s as if they are two different people, and you are never sure which version of them you are going to get? It might be your boss. A friend. Even your significant other. It seems like one minute they are fun and loving, and the next…

One More Lesson From Graduation Season
As many of you know, it has been a month of milestones and celebrations in my house. First my own high school reunion, then my youngest daughter’s high school graduation, as well as a family reunion. All good things, but boy did it bring up a lot of emotions: -Feelings of nostalgia.-Great moments of joy. -Enormous…

Advice To My Younger Self
As you may have noticed, there has been a big graduation theme running through my life these past few weeks. It started with my own high school reunion and culminated with my youngest daughter’s high school graduation. It has definitely been a time of celebration and reflection. With all of the nostalgia and passage of…

My High School Reunion
I recently attended my 40th high school reunion, and it was awesome! Here are TWO fun facts about this event: 1) This was the first high school reunion that I have ever been to.2) I didn’t even attend this particular high school. And oddly enough, I felt right at home. I reconnected with people that I haven’t…

On the precipice of attending my 40th high school reunion, and my youngest daughter graduating high school this month, both milestones have given me a lot of food for thought about friendships. In this post-pandemic phase of our life, people are starting to socialize again. Since we didn’t see a lot of our friends for…

Live, Laugh, Love
I love to laugh. I love being around people who make me laugh, and I love making other people laugh too. It not only FEELS good to laugh, but it is also GOOD FOR US. Laughter is one of the best anti-depressants, and there is scientific evidence that it supports our immune systems too. The…

Are You A Worrier?
Are you a natural-born worrier? Do you find yourself lying awake at night playing back the events of the day? Or perhaps you worry about the future? Or maybe you worry about everyone else: Your kids, parents, partners, and everything that comes across your news feed. Some of us are more prone to worrying than…