The Blog

Best Friends
When I was eight years old, I met my best friend. We were inseparable. Playdates. Sleepovers. Swimming in the pool all summer until our fingers were like prunes. Chasing the ice cream truck down the street in hopes of getting an orange creamsicle. We talked on the phone for hours. Passed notes in class. We…

What’s keeping you awake at night? Throughout my life, I have periodically struggled with insomnia. There is nothing worse than laying in bed waiting for your “sleep train” to arrive, but all you have is your racing thoughts. Whether it be falling asleep or staying asleep, 1 out of 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. The…

Learning New Tricks
They say, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but I am challenging that limiting belief. As someone who spent the better part of her life in a chronic state of over-thinking and excessive worrying, I was always looking for ways to manage my thoughts and reduce my stress. I tried therapy, acupuncture, weekly massages, you…

Do you find yourself spinning? I am not talking about dancing, being on a stationary bike, or the time you drank too much. I’m talking about emotionally spinning. The kind that comes from over-thinking and feeling like you are not in control of your own life. The worst is when the spins come at night. You crawl into bed…

Worrier vs. Warrior
Are you led by your Inner Worrier or Inner Warrior? Do you find yourself looking for what could go wrong instead of what is going right? It’s not your fault. Our brains are often wired this way to keep us safe. We don’t want to get too comfy, in case there is a lion or bear about to chase us. …

I once believed that my acute anxiety was my winning strategy in life. It was my rocket fuel to keep me hyper-vigilant and sharp. Early in my career as a television executive, I channeled that anxiety into productivity. I thought it made me a badass in managing my busy life. But it was NOT a sustainable strategy, because one day the record scratched. I was sitting…

Never Too Late
One month after graduating college, I was fired from my first secretarial job in Hollywood. In spite of that, I ended up with a successful 30-year career in television. In my mid-50’s, I became a Life Coach… and I have never loved my career more. One of the greatest limiting beliefs is telling ourselves that…

Three Simple Solutions
I was reminded of this quote the other day while talking to an old friend who just came out of a tumultuous romantic relationship. After many years of fighting an uphill battle of drama and chaos, he finally had the courage to end it. Just recently, he met someone new and told me, “This relationship is so easy.” …