The Blog

Why Is It So Hard To Ask For Help?
Why is it so hard to ask for help?In our professional lives, when we are confused or overwhelmed, it can be very hard to admit that we need help or that we don’t know how to do something. This is often tied to “Imposter Syndrome.” We THINK that if we ask for clarification, or admit that we…

It’s Never Too Late for Reinvention
In 2019, I walked away from a 30-plus-year career in the television industry… and everyone thought I was crazy. My career began as an UNPAID intern for a movie studio, which no longer exists. I worked as a Production Assistant on a feature film, but the movie was never released. I landed a secretarial job working for a movie…

When Things Don’t Go As Planned
Are you having communication breakdowns, technology glitches, or travel mishaps? It might all be a coincidence or it might be Mercury in Retrograde. I know I am… and it happens to all of us! Whether you believe in the Mercury-in-retrograde-thing or not, when things start going wrong, it can feel like we are acting as a human…

What Makes You Happy?
This past week I was in New York with my eldest brother, David, and we had so much fun! Everything from attending a Broadway premiere, eating incredible food, admiring the tulips on Park Avenue, seeing the amazing colors in Central Park, and shopping on 5th Avenue. It was pure heaven. The truth is I am kind of…

Are You Self-Sabotaging?
Do you Self-Sabotage? -Over-Eating. -Over-Spending. -Over-Drinking. Or perhaps you… -Missing important deadlines. -Picking fights with loved ones for no reason. -Endlessly procrastinating. One of the most common forms of Self-Sabotage is so subtle that we don’t even realize the damage it’s actually doing. What is that subtle saboteur? Negative Self-Talk. Thinking or saying negative statements about ourselves. “I am too…

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by a laundry list of things to do? Appointments to schedule.Parties to plan. Work to do. Deadlines to meet. Errands to run. Taxes to pay. Ugh.Or just an actual pile of laundry waiting to be folded? When there is too much on your plate, it’s hard to know where to start. But one of the…

Are You Down A Rabbit Hole?
The other day, I felt like everything was going awry. -Appointments got canceled. -My passwords were not working. -I was having tech issues. -I spent two hours on hold with someone to try and fix my tech issues. Basically, nothing felt like it was going right, and I was down an emotional rabbit hole of irritation. At dinner that night,…

Healing Yourself
Pain is a B*TCH! Whether you’re dealing with the occasional headache or a chronic condition, pain can be a real pain in the you-know-what. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand that pain is NOT just physical. Our thoughts and emotions can make it worse. This is why it’s essential to tackle both the…